Are You “Leasing” Equipment from Your Cable or Satellite Provider?

If the answer to this question is “yes” then please take notice…

When you have any type of monthly service subscription that requires that you lease equipment (such as cable boxes, modems, etc.) be certain to:

  1. Take a picture of yourself returning the equipment.
  2. Take down the name of the employee that took your equipment if you return it in person.
  3. Email yourself a copy of the receipt and save it in a safe location, just in case you need it down the road.
  4. Consider creating a folder on your computer where you save these types of receipts.  They can come from any number of service providers.

We have thousands of clients who claim that they returned their equipment and yet have the amount of the “lost equipment” reporting on their credit report listed as an unpaid collection.  This type of credit hiccup can cause a drastic decrease in your credit score and can affect your ability to purchase or refinance a home.